2023 Title Sponsor


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Stay up-to-date with our community events by subscribing to the weekly Wayside Waves newsletter here.

Visit the PTA Website for other important information OR the Wayside ES Website for other resources. 

 Thanks for joining the Wayside PTA for the 2023-24 school year!

Check back in August to join for the 2024-2025 school year!

Returning families (created an account last year): Click on Register/Login, login to your account and verify your information for the 2023-24 school year

New families (new to Wayside or AtoZ): Click on Register/Login and create a new account

After verifying your information, proceed to the Membership Dues and Donations store to purchase your Wayside PTA membership and make your direct donation (suggested donation is $100).


 Why join the PTA? Why provide a direct donation?

We organize and hold special events and provide educational support!

                The 2023-2024 school year will include:                     

--Special events such as Bingo Night, Spring Fling, Multicultural Night and Skate Night

  --Cultural enrichment: Community Service Night and STEM Night

--Book Fair

--Teacher support and appreciation

--Educational support: Subscription to Generation Genius, author visits and assemblies

Your membership helps make these things happen but it is not enough! 

Make a direct donation today!


Register and download the Membership Toolkit mobile app for access to the Wayside directory from anywhere!

Available from the App Store or Google Play




Questions? Please contact waves@waysidepta.org.

Sponsored By

Bretton Woods Camps DMV LSP Footer Banner
International School of Music 2023-24 - Verification Sponsor Footer
Mid Atlantic Federal Credit Union - 2023/24 Site Sponsor